Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dramatic Techniques in “Oedipus the King” Essay

Sophocles was one of the most celebrated playwrights of his time, writing more than 100 plays to captivate and delight his ancient Greek audiences. Today, although only seven plays remain, his work continues to be enjoyed, evoking a variety of emotions and passions from his meaningful and disturbing tragedies, proving that he revolutionised the face of drama. One of Sophocles most legendary plays, Oedipus the King, demonstrates his outstanding writing skill, by the number of techniques he incorporates, such as dramatic irony, symbolism and his usage of the Chorus. Dramatic irony is a prominent device used in many tragedies. It allows the audience to feel a sense of privilege and engagement in the play and develops an alliance between the dramatist and the spectators, so that mere curiosity is not the only aspect keeping the viewers interested. Such tragedies containing dramatic irony include Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Time in the Conways by J.B. Priestley. In Oedipus the King, everyone in the audience knows from the beginning that Oedipus has killed his father and married his mother, not only from the prologue, but due to the fact that the basic story of Oedipus was a well known myth of the time. The tension of the play, then, builds up from Oedipus slow but foreseeable advancement towards this horrifying self-knowledge. Watching Oedipus fate unfold, the audience associates with the protagonist, vividly sharing the horror of the reversal he suffers and recognising the command that fate has. By relating with the audience, Sophocles accomplished the catharsis that Aristotle thought was so essential. One scene in particular illustrates an obvious example of dramatic irony, when Oedipus is addressing his people about the plague they are suffering. And while you suffer, none suffers more than I. You have your several griefs, each for himself;But my heart bears the weight of my own, and yoursAnd all my peoples sorrows. I am not asleep.(Lines 51-54)Oedipus relates that he suffers from the fact that his people are sick, however, the viewers know its double meaning, that, although he does not know it he suffers from another type of sickness- that of being contaminated with the crimes of incest and murder, and actually, in the end  he does suffer from the shame of his people, therefore carrying their grievances. Dramatic irony increases a sense of suspense among the audience as they wait for the inevitable, foreshadowing what is to be the climax of the story; that destructive moment of realisation which is the basis of most Greek tragedies. However, apart from their base knowledge of the Oedipus legend, the audience is unaware of the order and particulars of the play, therefore a medium is needed to relate between the audience and the drama on stage. In Greek theatre this comes in the form of the Chorus. The major roles of the Chorus are to commentate and to react fittingly to the events onstage. They provide the audience with clarification and reinforce the morals of the play, reacting in a way the ideal spectators should react. The Chorus in Oedipus the King are wise Theban elders who long for stability and composure among their society, advising Oedipus to Be merciful and learn to yield in order to keep peace between himself and Creon, and in lines 875-894 they essentially exclaim that man should not try to rebel against fate, law or the gods. They also tend to keep the continuity and urgency of the play alive by summarising and foreshadowing particular events; Why has the Queen, sir, left us in such deep passion? / I fear some vile catastrophe will out†¦ The Chorus is also a tool Sophocles used to influence and control the audiences reaction because the Chorus were, in terms of status, personality and attitudes and values, very similar to the audience therefore they felt implied to feel how the Chorus was feeling. In this respect, the spectators were taking part in the play since the Chorus represented their voice. In Oedipus the King the last words are spoken directly to the viewers by the Chorus; a final summary and confirmation of tragedy, they state that all men are to be wretched until the day they die. In this tragedy the Chorus is a symbol of the common ideologies of the time and other symbols aid in giving meaning to the drama and allowing viewers to delve deeper into the plot. Symbolism is a method of revealing ideas or truth through the use of symbols. In Oedipus the KingSophocles uses symbolism in a number of instances, proving his great ability as a playwright. As mentioned, symbolism gives depth to drama, and although symbolism may not have been evident to the  ancient Greeks when viewing the play, on reflection these clues may have come known, revealing a whole new outlook of the play. In this particular tragedy sight is a consistent symbol throughout the text and it occurs both literally and metaphorically. In the beginning, clear sighted Oedipus sees only what he wishes to and is blind to the grave truth of his past (and future). He seems to pity Tiresias physical blindness more than he marvels at his gift, treating it as a significant disability and using it against him. Living in perpetual night, you cannot harm me, nor any man else that sees the light. Consequently when Oedipus comes to know of the truth he blinds himself in order to escape the shame of his children. As soon as this happens we see a change in his character; he becomes more modest and although the chorus thinks only of the hurting Oedipus must be in- Foulest disfigurement that I ever saw! O cruel, insensate agony!(lines 1298-1300) -Oedipus makes no mention of physical pain. Another symbol is that of a crucial decisive moment in the play, the three cross roads where Laius is murdered. The symbol of the crossroads shows us how although Oedipus was destined to a certain thing he did have some free will- if his character had allowed him to stay calm in the situation with Laius, Oedipus may have been better off. A further symbol is Oedipus swollen feet and his name. The link between Oedipus name and his ankle is vital because it proves that Oedipus was the child that was left to die and therefore the one whom the oracles prediction was made to. It also gives a lasting physical proof in the form of his limp that he has had from birth. In addition to this feet are a symbol for humans in this play-the Sphinx riddle demonstrates this, therefore the meaning of Oedipuss swollen feet could also describe his flaw as a human being. Through the study of some of the techniques Sophocles engaged in his plays, his aptitude and flair as playwright has become apparent and have most definitely helped his plays succeed throughout history. Dramatic irony kept viewers interested in the plot and increased suspense, symbolism gave depth to the plot and the Chorus developed the plays ability to universalise, by enabling the audience to relate to the feelings of the Chorus and the protagonist. When it was written it was, in the opinion of Aristotle, one of the greatest tragedies. Today, although attitudes and values have changed,  it has the same effect and it is still said to be original tragedy from its universal techniques and morals.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bar Code Scanning and Patient Safety Essay

The following paper explores eight published articles that address the issue of bar code scanning for medication administration and patient safety. Online research was conducted to locate and review articles which are included in review of literature, and to acquire accurate information addressing the issues discussed. The understanding of Bar Code Scanning for Medication Administration (BCMA) is a valuable tool, providing safe practice needed to reduce medication errors leading to safer patient handling. Patient safety is defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as the prevention of harm caused by errors of commission and omission (Henneman, 2010, p. 8). The use of BCMA changed medication administration, documentation, and communication regarding patient care (Spetz, Burgress, & Phibbs, 2012, p. 158). Key words: bar code scanning of medications, patient safety and workarounds Issues 1. Discuss bar code scanning in medication administration (BCMA). 2. Discuss how the use of BCMA has affected patient safety. 3. Discuss the implications of workarounds in medication administration to the patient. Literature Review Discuss How the Use of BCMA has Affected Patient Safety The following articles were reviewed for the purpose of addressing the issue: how BCMA has affected patient safety. Patient safety has been an issue in all realms of healthcare. The use of BCMA introduced a new avenue to establish the best practice of drug administration for patient safety. â€Å"Medication Administration: The Implementation Process of Bar-Coding for Medication Administration to Enhance Medication Safety† (Foote & Coleman, 2008) discusses the issue of patient safety with the use of BCMA. According to (Foote & Coleman, 2008, p. 207) medication errors strike at the heart of being a nurse: the value of â€Å"do no harm†. The reduction of medication errors has had a direct and indirect effect on the patient and the nurse (Foote & Coleman, 2008, p. 207). The direct effect can be a safety threat to the patient and an indirect effect can compromise the confidence of nursing practice (Foote & Coleman, 2008, p207). The use of BCMA has increased patient safety by system validation of the six rights of medication administration: right drug, right patient, right time, right route, right route, and right reason. The findings concluded patient safety has increased with the use of BCMA. Reduction of paperwork using BCMA for the nurse allows for more time with the patient reducing the risk for error. â€Å"Impact of BCMA on Medication Errors and Patient Safety: A Summary† (Marini & Hasman, 2009) was also reviewed. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimates that one hospitalized patient is on average subject to one medication error per day. Medication errors that result in preventable adverse drug events may occur during any stage of the medication use process: ordering (56%) transcribing (6%) dispensing (4%) and administration (34%). The use of BCMA has addressed the issue of medication administration safety as a priority for patient safety (Marini & Hasman, 2009, p. 439). BCMA system use has decreased the errors in the administration phrase by possibly intercepting administration errors before they reach the patient (Marini & Hasman, 2009, p. 439). Enacting the BCMA technology into patient care has acted as a point of care safety system that assists in the protection from potential errors and safeguards the medication administration process where none previously existed (M arini & Hasman, 2009, p. 440). Safeguards that have been put in place since the implication of BCMA into the healthcare field have shown from this article that safe practice has increased. The article, â€Å"Patient Misidentifications Caused by Errors in Standard Bar Code Technology (Snyder, Carter, Jenkins, & Fantz, 2010), discusses some medication errors on misreading wristband bar codes. The use of bar code scanning has decreased transcription errors in many healthcare applications including patient identification (Snyder et al., 2010, p. 1554). The study indicated misidentifications of patients could occur, contributing to unsafe patient practices. Wristbands used for identification can assist with identifying the correct patient in the six rights of medication administration. While this is not a failsafe answer it is valuable in providing a safe practice of medication administration to patients. Discuss Bar Code Scanning in Medication Administration (BCMA) The following articles were reviewed for the purpose of addressing bar code scanning in medication administration. Nursing requires the critical skill of accurate medication administration. The use of electronic medication administration has brought about many changes in the healthcare field. The article,† What Determines Successful Implementation of Inpatient Information Technology Systems† (Spetz et al 2012), was reviewed to address the above question. Computerized patients records and bar-code medication systems continue to gain favor in healthcare. This idea spread across the nation in all VA sites (Spetz et al., 2012, p. 157), providing a safer environment for patient care. The use of bar code scanning utilizes the perfection of computers into medication-administration process. Training to use (BCMA) indicated from the article can be cumbersome and staff can be apprehensive about the change. The time needed for BCMA showed extremely high demands with the implementati on of BCMA system (Spetz et al., 2012, p. 160). The initial implementation of BCMA interrupted the flow of care for physicians and nurses (Spetz et al., 2012, p. 160) Training and time management were issues addressed including support, work flow changes, and communication allowing flexibility for changes and updates (Spetz et al., 2012, p. 161). In review of information, BCMA has assisted healthcare in providing a safer environment for patient care. The use of BCMA has increased awareness of mistakes, increased accountability to the staff by having recorded times of medication administration, and patient identifiers in patient care. The review of article â€Å"An Evaluation Process for an Electronic Bar Code Medication Administration Information System in an Acute Care Unit† (Bargen & Lu, 2009) discussed the development and use of BCMA in medication administration. An IOM report attributed 7,000 deaths annually to medication errors (Bargen & Lu, 2009, p. 356). Bar code medication administration systems were designed as a s afety tool for nurses. The use of this system assists in reduction of errors at the point of medication administration (Bargen & Lu, 2009, p. 356). The reduction of medication errors was introduced by using computerized alerts and warnings. These compelled users to stop and reconsider potentially unsafe steps in the medication administration process (Bargen & Lu, 2009, p. 356). This caused a workflow disturbance for nurses. BCMA processes were examined using direct staff observation, process mapping, and informal group discussion. The process assisted in data collection and reconfiguration of BCMA, thus reducing unnecessary alerts in the BCMA system. The conclusion drawn from review showed that a decrease in the numbers of unnecessary alerts triggered by the BCMA system can help ensure the workflow blocks nurses encounter are clinically significant and justified (Bargen & Lu, 2009, p. 357). Although the workflow blocks are there it is sometimes necessary to assist in safe patient handling. Another article reviewed was, â€Å"Barcode Medication Administration: Lessons Learned from an Intensive Care Unit Implementation† (Wideman, Whittler, & Anderson, 2006). The use of bar code scanning has been used in retail for many years and was adapted for the use of medication administration originally by the Veterans Health Administration in the year 2000 and has spread across the US since that time (Wideman, Whittler, & Anderson, 2006, p. 437). The system was designed to improve accuracy in administration of medication through real time network connectivity. This allowed documentation electronically of administration of medications at the bedside (Wideman et al., 2006, p. 437). On April 04,2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled that barcodes were mandatory on labels of thousands of human medication and biological products by the year 2006 (Wideman et al., 2006, p. 438). The VA health care system used barcode scanning already in place and included the barcode of the medications in the safety system. This provided a better opportunity for patient safety using the BCMA system. The use of a handheld barcode scanner at the bedside registered each medication, software verified correct medication was ordered, time of administration is correct, measured in the correct dose, and in real time documents the administration of the medication (Wideman et al., 2006, p. 439). Alleviation of paper medication record for the nurse reduced the chance for medication error and harm to the patient. By the use of this system missed medications, medication actions, and medication ordering could be done as the bedside. The induction of BCMA into patient bedside medication administration also reduced phone calls to the pharmacy from nurses. This helped to increase efficiency for medication administration providing a safer environment for patient care. Discuss the Implications of Workarounds in Medication Administration to the Patient The use of BCMA for medication administration was not received with open arms. The training, computer knowledge, workflow blocks, were some of the complaints by nurses. The following articles reviewed discussed workarounds when using BCMA. The article reviewed â€Å"Patient Safety and Technology† (Henneman, 2010) discussed safety and BCMA. The goal for BCMA systems was to prevent medication administration errors (Henneman, 2010, p. 9). Identifying and verification of the patient’s identity is critical to assure patient safety and reduction of medication errors. Work-arounds have been reported with the use of the BCMA system in place. These work arounds create a serious threat to patient safety (Henneman, 2010, p. 9). Workarounds include affixing patient identification bar codes to computer carts, clip boards and carrying several patients’ pre scanned medications on carts (Henneman, 2010, p. 10). BCMA systems have assisted in creation of some work-arounds with unreadable medication bar codes, non-bar coded medications, malfunctioning scanner s at the bedside, and missing patient armbands used as a patient identifier (Henneman, 2010, p. 10). The review indicates workarounds can be created for any situation. It is the responsibility of the nurse to ensure the correct medication is being administered to the correct patient using the six rights of medication administration. BCMA is only a tool to assist in safe patient handling. Another article reviewed, â€Å"Medication Errors Occurring with the Use of Bar-Code Administration Technology† (Pennsylvania patient safety advisory, 2008) discussed workarounds as a method of accomplishing an activity through other arrangements when not able or willing to use the correct method. A temporary solution is not the answer and, puts the patient at greater risk for medication error. Using work-arounds such as typing the patients’ social security number, indicating the medication will not scan, or affixing the wristband of patients to bedsides rather than the patient’s wrist puts the patient at risk (Pennsylvania patient safety advisory, 2008, p. 125). The summary fro m review indicates it is the nurse’s responsibility to ensure safe medication administration even though it is not always the fastest method. Analysis of Findings Patient safety, bar code scanning and work-arounds all relate safe patient handling. The review of literature indicates safety is the number one priority in healthcare. The development of BCMA was part of the process to ensure a safer procedure for medication administration. Medication errors indicated that BCMA was not always the cause of the problem. Mislabeling of medications, work-arounds, missed scanned wristbands have all contributed to errors in medication administration. Findings indicate that although BCMA is an excellent tool to assist in the six rights of medication administration to the patient. It is not an overall solution to medication errors. The responsibility is a collective effort by physicians, pharmacists, and nurses to ensure the safest practice for the patient. Implication for Practice BCMA is an excellent tool to assist the nurse in bedside medication administration. The inpatient environment is hectic for the nurse, having multiple patients and time limitations. Patient safety is a priority in healthcare and taking the time to ensure the correct medication is being administered to the correct patient is part of nursing practice. The use of BCMA assists this process by ensuring the medication has been correctly ordered by the physician, verified by the pharmacist, and verification of patient identifiers. The system alerts nursing when there is a question of correct dose, medication, time, route, or patient. This assists the nurse in providing a safer method of medication administration. The field of nursing requires critical thinking skills in all realms of patient care. Medication administration is only one area of nursing practice. A safer environment for the patient is part of everyday practice for the inpatient nurse. The use of BCMA assists the nurse in providing this environment in patient care. Although work-arounds are many times easier for the nurse in time management, it is not the safest practice. Identifying and verification of the patient’s identity is critical to assure patient safety and reduction of medication errors. The understanding of Bar Code Scanning for Medication Administration (BCMA) is a valuable tool, providing safe practice needed to reduce medication errors leading to safer patient handling. Patient safety is defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as the prevention of harm caused by errors of commission and omission (Henneman, 2010, p. 8). The use of BCMA changed medication administration, documentation, and communication regarding patient care (Spetz, Burgress, & Phibbs, 2012, p. 158). In the practice of nursing this all relates to everyday practice. Patient safety, avoiding the temptation of work-arounds, and using tools such as BCMA ensure that nursing is uti lizing all the information to assist patients in the healing process. References Bargen, M., & Lu, D. (2009). An evaluattion process for an electronic bar code medication administration inofrmation system in an acute care unit. Urlogic Nursing, 29(5), 355-391. Retrieved from Foote, S. O., & Coleman, J. R. (2008). Medication administration: the implementation process of bar-coding for medication administration to enhance medication safety. Nursing Economics, 26(3). Retrieved from Henneman, E. A. (2010). Patient safety and technology. Advanced Critical Care, 20(2), 128-132. Retrieved from Marini, S. D., & Hasman, A. (2009). Impact of BCMA on medic ation errors and patient safety: a summary. Connecting Health and Humans. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-024-7-439 Pennsylvania patient safety advisory. (2008). Medication errors occuring with the use of bar-code administration technology. , 5(4). Retrieved from Snyder, M. L., Carter, A., Jenkins, K., & Fantz, C. R. (2010). Patient misidentifications caused by errors in standard bar code technology. Clinical Chemistry, 56(10), 1554-1560. Retrieved from Spetz, J., Burgress, J. F., & Phibbs, C. S. (2012). What determines successful implementation of inpatient information technology systems. The American Journal of Managing Care, 18(3). Retrieved from Wideman, M. V., Whittler, M. E., & Anderson, T. M. (2006). Barcode medication administration: lessons learned from an intensive care unit implemen tation. Advances in Patients Safety, 3. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Capitalism and Calvin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Capitalism and Calvin - Essay Example John Calvin's letter on usury of 1545 made it clear that when Christ said "lend hoping for nothing in return," He meant that we should help the poor freely. Following the rule of equity, we should judge people by their circumstances, not by legal definitions. Humanist that he was, Calvin knew there were two Hebrew words translated as "usury." One, neshek, meant "to bite"; the other, tarbit, meant "to take legitimate increase." Based on these distinctions, Calvin argued that only "biting" loans were forbidden. Thus, one could lend at interest to business people who would make a profit using the money. To the working poor one could lend without interest, but expect the loan to be repaid. To the impoverished one should give without expecting repayment. The arguments in Calvin's letter on usury are amplified in Charles du Moulin's Tractatus commerciorum et usurarum, redituumque pecunia constitutorum et monetarum, written in 1542 and published in Paris in 1546. Du Moulin ("Molinaeus") developed a utility theory of value for money, rejecting Aquinas' belief that money could not be rented because it was consumed. This attack on the Thomist understanding of money was taken up by Spanish commentators. Domingo de Soto, concerned about social justice, suggested that Luke 6:35 was not a precept, since it has no relation to the justice of lending at interest. Luis de Molina, writing in the late sixteenth century, agreed. He suggested that there was no biblical text which actually prohibited lending money at interest. ( in Noonan, 1957) By the second half of the sixteenth century Catholics and Protestant alike were increasingly tolerant of the idea that the legality of loans at interest was determined by the intentions of the parties involved. Theologians... The researcher of this essay states that before we go on discussing how Calvin contributed to capitalism, we firstly need to discuss the word capitalism. If we are to look in the modern world, we can see that trade is characterized by an exchange of goods which brings in profits to the seller. The researcher explaines that this is the idea behind Capitalism – to make profits from an investment. Products are manufactured from raw materials then sold at a price higher than the cost of production. The idea of applying interest on loans, which is the spirit of capitalism, was widely condemned in ages past. Calvin was part of a society that had forbidden the lending of money at interest for 750 years. By 1544 Calvin had "formulated a doctrine about lending money at interest". John Calvin’s letter on usury of 1545 made it clear that when Christ said â€Å"lend hoping for nothing in return,† He meant that we should help the poor freely. In essence, the Calvinist Puritan leaders of the Reformation or those who were influenced by Calvin, believed that profitable undertakings, that gave the world a perfect recipe for capital accumulation by regarding frivolous spending as equivalent to sin. It is also maintained that without this attitude, Europe would never have acquired enough capital to launch the capitalist system. The Calvinists or the Reformed divinity were less bound to precedent and adjusted itself rapidly to the new economy. With this idea of practicing thrift, they became a successful merchant class and thus capitalism grew.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

Business law - Essay Example This encourages investors and this factor has also contributed to the growth of business sector throughout the world for large scale productions and distribution (Cartwright, 2008). As far as business standing in Ireland is concern, a sole proprietor is not strong financially comparing to a private limited company. Investors even seek such corporate bodies to lend money because they have published financial statements. If we compare Private Company with Sole Proprietor, we have more member than that of the Sole Proprietor; this means that we have better credit standing as well as better funding of the capital. It also enhances the stability in business. Directors of the company are accountable to the owners and the administration of the company with regards to the company and statutory books and management as it is stated in the articles of association. This enhances the formality in the role of the director. Control and management over a limited company are exercised by the board of directors, who in turn delegate many of their functions to other managers. Directors are selected by the members of the company and are also removable on valid grounds. Irish companies enjoys the lowest corporate taxes i.e. a universal rate of 12.5% on trading profits while some companies which meet certain requirements are taxed at 0%. This is one of the major advantages enjoyed by the companies situated in Ireland (Company Formations in Ireland). In addition to this, Irish companies also enjoy an extensive network of double taxation treaties. It means the imposition of the tax on the same income in two different countries. It can be evaded due to such treaties. The formation of a company involves very complex procedures. The setting up cost is also very high i.e. â‚ ¬300-â‚ ¬500 as compared to sole proprietor and partnership businesses. While the other types of businesses such as Partnership and Sole Proprietor can be brought into existence without reference to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Resources Within The Company Research Paper

Human Resources Within The Company - Research Paper Example The goals of PAC Resources Inc. have been met to a certain degree through the development and implementation of new training programs in the company. The severe employee unrest in PAC which occurred three years ago made it clear that the company needed to change its human resource policies and programs. The new training programs including in-house training activities have helped the employees of PAC to remain well informed about the human resource initiatives taken by the company and as a result driven the growth of motivation among the employees. The training programs of PAC Resources Inc. have been suitably established but a number of scopes for improvement can be identified in the existing training programs. Firstly, the company should facilitate better communication between the employees and the upper management to ensure that the training programs can be easily assimilated by the employee groups and actually bear results. Secondly, the aggressive training programs should be made more employees friendly so that the employees are encouraged to attend the training programs regularly. Knowledge management has been identified as a key area within the organizational capabilities of PAC Resources Inc. that needs extensive improvement. Therefore, the management of PAC has included a functional knowledge management system within the human resource management processes. This is aimed at improving the maintenance and transfer of knowledge within the company. The company has taken steps to improve communication among the employee groups as well as between the individual employees and the line managers and the upper management. An open door policy has been introduced within the company with the aim of facilitating better communication level within all levels of employees in PAC.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Transgender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transgender - Essay Example The discrimination rates for transgendered people are usually high as compared to people with other sexual orientations. The transgendered people also face a range of legal issues more than other people do. The eradication of discrimination against transgender people is essential, because it is harmful and pervasive. There is a relative increase in transgendered people. Psychological research has placed focus on transgendered populations. There has been an acknowledgement of heterogeneity of transgendered communities. This has led to diversification of transgender identities. Specificity needs to be balanced in order to accomplish diverse transgender identities. Racial and ethnic identities may affect one’s mental and psychological state. Gender dysphoria is the dissatisfaction with one’s biological sex. This dissatisfaction may cause anxiety, depression or even restlessness. For individuals who resolve to transition, certain psychological issues may arise. There might be fears of finding a partner, impact on relationships at home and at work. There are also violence and prejudice concerns when one discovers that they are transgendered. However, not every transgendered person is able to transition. Such individuals must learn to adapt to the tensions that are produced by gender dys phoria. Lucas Cassidy Crawford argues for an alternative subjectivity of transsexual models. Transgendered characteristics of being stuck in the wrong body are the major mode. The author observes that body modification experiences have led to the production of metaphors of territoriality. This dominant characteristic is argued to provide a radical comprehension of trans-bodily sensations. Such metaphors give value to the city and all that it guarantees (Cassidy 2014:127). Crawford makes people understand that effects of the body and its environment relate to each other. The beliefs of transgendered are no longer

Sunday, August 25, 2019

DB2 - Diversity in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DB2 - Diversity in the Workplace - Research Paper Example This is because having two races in their heritage makes them the most vulnerable group during hiring sessions. Conventionally, African Americans were the main targets of affirmative action because of the inequalities that existed in the United States. Similarly, biracial individuals face discrimination in interview panels and selection agencies due to their mixed race status. Employers should understand that within the concept of diversity lies the principles of tolerance and consideration of different ethnic groups (Korgen, 1999). However, diversity is not based on law but is categorized as a strategic business effort. Therefore, the success of implementing authentic diversity standards for biracial employees will largely depend on the type of organization and the working environment. In conclusion, biracial employees face similar, if more severe conditions in the corporate environment when compared to their African Americans and Caucasian counterparts (Korgen, 1999). Therefore, in the selection of candidates that qualify for affirmative action, this newly formed ethnic group should be considered as they would otherwise suffer a similar plight to other minority groups. This would be detrimental to the organization especially if the section of biracial employees possesses excellent skills and experience that would benefit the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Composing an Argument on Patient Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Composing an Argument on Patient Safety - Essay Example After some serious riots from the people the government started to think over this issue and started searching for ways to solve this issue (Mantel 2012). A committee was setup to solve this issue at its earliest and provide with a solution that is practically applicable. The committee came up with a revolutionary solution. They suggested instead of blaming hospitals, doctors or nurses the whole system should be changed. A very keen investigation should be made so that each and every issue that leads to preventable deaths can be controlled like taking proper care of the pharmacy, hygiene should be given high priority, nurses should be well trained, they should not be made to do over duty, there should be a proper communication between the hospital ward and doctor and other such practices. Different programs have been started to keep a check and balance on the health care system of different hospitals. These programs have certainly proved beneficial and effective in controlling the he alth care systems and improvement have been seen as the death tolls due to the carelessness and faults of the health care have been considerably decreased (Mantel 2012). The government has started certain programs in which the nurses and the hospital wards were given special training and education so that they coordinate perfectly with the doctor and the patient as well. They are also taught a number of different languages so that they do not create problems while communicating with the patients and do not create any problems for the patient. In earlier years we have observed that many health care related issues in foreign countries occurred because the nurse could not understand what he wanted to say and therefore confusions would arise and wrong approaches could be made. The nurses were taught to remain alert and attentive in all situations and must have a very quick response to any emergency situation. The nurses were taught a very important factor that while working they should not lose their patience and do not provide any harm to the patient if they are misbehaving. Likewise private organizations have also initiated such programs to create awareness and train the nurses. Doctors are also made to attend different sessions and seminars to make them aware of the different ways they can handle their patient with utmost care and delicacy. It sometimes happens that doctors due to certain reasons may not listen to the patient willingly and as a result of which maybe that the patient might not be given the right treatment that he needs. The doctors are made to realize that they are the responsible person at the hospital and it is their duty and obligation to carefully and properly examine the patient and give him the right treatment. Doctors are also made to learn more language rather than their own mother tongue so that they can have no problem in communicating with the patient (Vecchion 2005). In the earlier years it was a common practice that the nurses would mark the position on the patient where ever the surgery had to be conducted and as the nurses are not that well educated therefore they were very likely to make mistakes. The change that has been initiated in the system is that now the doctors are given the responsibility to mark the patient so that the chances of any errors

Friday, August 23, 2019

Universalist and impartialist about Utilitarianism Essay

Universalist and impartialist about Utilitarianism - Essay Example The scholarly consensus as of date is that Utilitarianism is a partial system of morality and is somewhat inadequate on account of its authors’ reluctance to front up to complexities of ethics. Utilitarianism asserts that 'It is morally good to act for the general happiness.' As this assessment is taken at face value by most, the salient critical question is ‘What is it that is morally not good,   which stands in opposition to this?’ In answering this question proponents say, ‘acting for unhappiness’. (Grote 123) Utilitarian moral philosophy thus has for its subject the ascertaining of what happiness is, which is placed in polar opposition to unhappiness. Having found what constitutes happiness, the philosophy strives to device methods to achieve that end. But real life experiences and events are not strictly broken into these clear-cut dichotomies and therein lie the major objection to Utilitarianism’s veracity as a ethical theory. The follo wing passages will explain the two central concepts of ‘impartiality’ and ‘universality’ and identify their shortcomings for application in practical ethics. The founding texts of Utilitarianism think of it as inherently ethical. For example, deriving from post-revolutionary French thought, especially that of Helvetius, Godwin asserted that â€Å"Morality is that system of conduct which is determined by a consideration of the greatest general good.† (Godwin, as quoted in Scarre 67) The founding doctrine also makes it clear that the two pillars of ‘impartiality’ and ‘universality’ especially add to its ethical soundness. Utilitarianism espouses the principle of impartiality, to the extent that it places the happiness of all individuals in the community on par with each other. Moreover, it encourages constituent individuals in a group to see the virtue of valuing the happiness of others as much as theirs own. In other words, t he expectation is to rise above the consideration of one’s own individual interests. Put as such, this principle sounds laudable. But as critics point out, there is plenty of scope for incorrect application of this principle, which could lead to adverse outcomes. For example, â€Å"In an action then which, in the truest and widest sense, we should call right or good, there is more than one sort of goodness. And unless we treat rightly this variety of rightness or goodness, our moral philosophy, whatever side we take, must be partial: and we shall not be able to argue against opponents of it without being in danger of arguing against something which, it is probable, an impartial and practical reader will consider morally proper.† (Grote 124) Even actions by individuals are mediated by this consideration for the greatest common good. The agent’s actions are never to enhance his/her own happiness, but that of all concerned. As John Stuart Mill himself clarifies in his treaties, â€Å"As between his own happiness and that of others, utilitarianism requires him to be as strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator. In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utility. To do as you would be done by, and to love your neighbour as yourself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality.† (Mill, as quoted by Grote 86) One of Utilitarianism’s notable critics is the famous legal theoretician, John Rawls. Rawls’ objection to the notion of impartiality arises from the philosophical system’s blanket application of its principles to the entire social

The LM curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The LM curve - Essay Example IS curve or IS schedule explains the investments and savings aspect of market or economy. This explains the activity of goods and services performance in the economy. The LM curve, on the other hand, explains the money market or money aspects of the market and economy. As a whole, they both describe the overall activities of the economy which lead national income. The FE schedule describes the labor market and the labor aspects of the economy. The IS-LM-FE model addresses the three major areas of any economy. Labor, money and goods and services are all addressed by this model. We have the IS curve equation. Using the given data, we can calculate for the income Y. r = 0.1(I+G+0.2Y*-0.2Y+50RE) as r = r* = 5, we can substitute the value of r* for r in the IS equation. 5 = 0.1 (100 + 100 + 0.2*500 - 0.2Y + 50*1) Yielding Y = 1500 This gives us the income, Y, as 1500. Y, the income, is local income only as the foreign income Y* has also been considered. This is the equilibrium level of income in the economy. To calculate for the resulting equilibrium level of money supply, we use the LM curve. The LM curve explains the supply and demand aspects of money in the market and economy. Using the equation for the LM curve, we can calculate for the equilibrium money supply level in the market. M=0.25Y-5r We calculated Y to be 1500 and r is given to be r* which is 5. Solving for M, money supply, we get M = 350 The money supply has equilibrium value of 350 for the given values of income, exchange rate and other variables. b)to what extent does r* have to move in order to obtain an income level of 1600explain For the income to be 1600, we can calculate for the value of r* which is also r is our case. Solving the same equation of IS schedule for r we get, r = 0.1(I+G+0.2Y*-0.2Y+50RE) Putting values of I, G, Y*, Y and RE, we get, r = 0.1 (100 + 100 + 0.2*500 - 0.2*1600 + 50*1) r = 18 r has to be 18 in order to make the income equal to 1600. This means that the value of r has to increase to 360% of its original value. By reaching this level, the income in the market will be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Example for Free

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Ralph Waldo Emerson, who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century, once wrote, The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. The Transcendentalist were a group of people who believed that everyone was equal and had power inside them as an individual. In the mid-19th century Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman were the main writers and thinkers of the transcendentalist movement. In the 1960s as African Americans fought for civil rights in a cruel society. William Melvin Kelly combines the two in the book A Different Drummer. This book tells the story of Tucker Caliban, a black farmer who encourages a huge amount of blacks to leave the south when he decides to salt his crops and burn down his house and leave. Tucker embodies the characteristics of a Transcendentalist according to Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman in three ways: he does what he wants without an explanation, hes self-reliant, and he fights a corrupt system in his own way. Tucker does what he wants without an explanation or logic. Tucker stays out all night to teach Dewey how to ride a bike, even though his grandfather would be mad. Tucker also burned his house down and salted his crops without explaining this to his wife or to anyone else. Tucker writes Dewey a letter in college, he ask about the bike he taught him to ride. Dewey doesnt understand why because Tucker really didnt explain what he wanted to know about the bike. This shows Tucker really doesnt tell anyone his logic behind his actions. To be great is to be misunderstood, Emerson. This quote refers to Tucker because he is misunderstood by the whites. This shows hes also self-reliant and free spirited. Tucker Caliban is self-reliant and unique. Tucker self taught himself to farm and ride a bike. He also doesnt believe in the civil rights movement which most other blacks strongly believe in. He also believes everyone has to free themselves or else there not really free. This shows that Tucker Caliban is not just any other black, hes unique. But he also fights the souths corrupt system in his own one of a kind way. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. This quote refers to Tucker because he is different and others are afraid to be different. Tucker Caliban is a rebel and he fights the system. He burned down his house and salted his crops because thats where the slaves worked for the Willsons. He broke the grandfather clock because it was bought the same day as the African. He cut down the tree that separated his land from the Willisons, that was there from the days of slavery. He did all of this to cut his ties from slavery and from the south. Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members. This refers to the south and other blacks like Tucker. Therefore Tucker Caliban embodies the characteristics of a Transcendentalist according to Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman in three ways: he does what he wants without an explanation, hes self-reliant, and he fights a corrupt system in his own way. Tuckers movement from the south is a strong step in the right direction for racism in the south. To me what Tucker did was strong and no else was strong enough to leave before Tucker did it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Current State Of Ethics In Business Commerce Essay

Current State Of Ethics In Business Commerce Essay The pace, scale and complexity of modern business has forced a change in how business is done. While it is accepted that it is foolish to do business with someone who is not trustworthy, the question arises whether you can trust those who are not ethical in all of their behaviour. Short timelines, tight supply chains and narrowing margins mean that chances cannot be taken that suppliers or customers will not honour their contracts as expected. Suppliers and customers are now becoming partners and stakeholders in business, and relationships with them are becoming more and more underpinned by trust. Trust is built on expectations of truth in words and consistency in behaviour. It is impossible to do profitable business with someone who says one thing one day and does something different the next. Ethical leadership is vital in business today. It is the backbone to any long lasting successful company in todays business market. It is important for companies to clearly layout their stance on ethical leadership to employees and the public, to have members of the company lead by example, and to reinforce the ethical leadership concept through out the year. By following these steps, the company will sustain or acquire ethical leadership in their companys culture. Although business accepted ethics slightly change through out the years, everyone should know if an action is ethical or unethical before they take an action. The importance of companies clearly defining their stance on ethical behavior will let individuals know how making an unethical decision will impact them, their fellow workers, and the company as a whole. On the other hand members of the company will also know how making an ethical decision will have a positive impact. Once a clear ethical leadership stance is taken, rewarding or punishing ethical or unethical actions should strictly uphold the rules. There should be an unbiased group to facilitate this activity, for example a Human Resources Department. Every employee, from the CEO to the mailroom clerk, should practice ethical leadership. Every member and every group can and should exhibit ethical leadership. This concept should not just be thought of as a manager to his report. Ethical leadership can happen in unexpected situations, for example where a CFO of a company asks the mailroom clerk to do an unethical act and the mailroom clerk refuses the CFOs request. The clerk refused based on the companys stance on ethical behavior. In this example, the clerk presented ethical leadership, but was in no way in a leadership role. The clerk would also feel safe taking this stance because he believes in his companies set rules on ethical leadership. He will not be negatively impacted due to the fact that he can contact his unbiased Human Resources department with issues of this nature, on top of the fact that he maybe rewarded for taking this ethical stance. Reinforcing the ethical leadership concept through out the year is also important for businesses. Not only reinforcing, but also reinforcing with meaning and showing the value of ethical leadership. Making positive examples of employees through rewards, have mandatory yearly training (make it fun), send positive ethical leadership examples out as part of company newsletter, ensure that unethical behavior is dealt with in an ethical way, restate companys stance during large meetings, make ethical leadership apart of each employees personal evaluation each year (make them give examples) and have ethical workshops. All of these examples will ensure that every employee knows the companys stance on ethical leadership through reinforcement. The over all concept of ethical leadership is that it is as important as making a profit in the business world. Profit and ethical leadership should be top priorities for any company that plans to have a long lasting existence. Ethics in itself can become a very pliable term with many grey areas, so focusing on specific ethics may prove futile. However, focusing on doing the right thing along with the reinforcement of ethical leadership may be the answer. Baking ethical leadership into a companys culture is key. Ethical leadership holds a positive outlook with great potential in the current business environment is the improvement that we have seen in ethical issues over the relatively recent years. As we all know accepted ethical behaviors have slightly changed over the years and will continue to do so. Ethical leadership along with the help from laws has driven the implementation of the halt or reduction of racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual discrimination. It is believe that accepted ethics have made great leaps and ethical leadership is one of the driving tools to solidify these concepts. Recent huge companies like Enron and World Com have made great examples of the importance of ethical leadership. It is said that the CEO of Enron, who was just sentenced to many years in prison, had the saying that nothing else matters besides profit. This is apparently not the best way to lead a long-term successful company. The fall of companies that disregard ethical leadership cost all Americans, the companys employees, and share holders billions of dollars. Based on this fact, the health of economies depends on companies to lead with strong ethics. One positive aspect that these unethical companies did do for America is to drive home the absolute importance of ethical leadership in business. Due to the unethical acts of these huge companies, everyone has taken notice. Many colleges are driving ethics harder then they ever have, the media attention has been enormous, and US companies are really sticking to ethical leadership programs better now than in the past. Recent changes in the business environment have deeply affected businesses and ethics consultancies that are concerned that the word ethics, in a business context, has lost its original meaning. They consider ethics to be unregulated behavior as well as regulated and talk about what is ought to be done as well as what we is compelled to be done. Not only would an ethical person not break the law or flout a regulation, but he/she also would think hard about doing something perfectly legal that gave the person ethical concerns. The ethics industry, now called the ethics and compliance industry, dwells almost entirely on issues of law and regulation. It is thought that ethics, as an important business tool, has been sidelined. The ethics industry emerged in the 1970s with defense scandals that resulted in the Defense Industry Initiative, a self-regulatory body of defense contractors. It really launched in 1991 with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, which helped judges to determine consequences for corporate misbehavior and, critically, identified seven steps that businesses could take to mitigate those consequences. The suggested steps included a code of ethics or conduct, training in the code, and a high-ranking person to oversee the program Many of the early providers were academics and nonprofits, like IGE, who believed that it was possible to guide corporate behavior through improved corporate decision-making. The waves of scandal that culminated in the 2008 financial tsunami have all but erased our formal ethics beginnings in business. A backwash of regulation, prompted by an outraged public, followed each wave. Companies, ethical and otherwise, are drowning in rules, expensive rules and regulations that make global competition difficult. Good companies are still doing the right things, but the focus has shifted from thinking ethically to complying with myriad regulations. In other cases, a whole new workaround ethic focuses on ways to skirt the rules. Following the recession, companies are demanding that people make their numbers while still following the rules, which even ethics professionals see as difficult. Professionals who used to direct their employers ethics programs are disappearing, replaced by legal professionals with specific expertise in bribery and corruption, export controls, insider trading, money laundering, and other topics of special interest. Were unhappy with the retrogressive sea change, but our respondents found some treasure silver lining, perhaps washed up on the beach. Anticorruption has a surprising ally, social networking, which has become a global phenomenon. Although the United States has a new portfolio of laws governing business (especially financial business) called the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which encourages whistle-blowers with offers of cash bounties and protection, social networking already has leapt far beyond. It is almost impossible to escape the reach of texting, tweeting, YouTube, and Facebook. Employees, customers and suppliers stay connected and theres really no place to hide when people take pictures and movies with their smart phones and make their observations public on the Internet. Although staff departments responsible for ethics have experienced cutbacks in funding, they are now working more closely with other departments that help to manage their companys risk. Its common to find close cooperation among ethics and compliance, internal audit, security, health, safety and environment, legal, and human resources. The benefit is that companies are likely to spot and avert misbehavior more quickly. Additionally, ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) now work more closely because their intentions are similar making the corporation a responsible citizen through attention to environmental and human rights issues. There is also exposure to legal penalties. Companies involved in international trade have to represent their products to potential or current clients based on their expected inputs by the suppliers. Â  A company that is involved in illegal activities, or that knowingly falsifies information on inputs supplied can create serious problems for its business partners. Â  A company with a good reputation and solid brands has much to lose, and should not take chances with its brand value. Another issue challenging the practice of good business ethics is the values, which employees bring to the work environment. Much has been said over the years about the deterioration of employees work ethics. The impact of poor work ethics results in low productivity owed to high levels of absenteeism, tardiness, theft and acceptance of bribe taking. A company that wishes to be efficient and competitive in the future cannot accept this state of affairs. There is a strong business case for the introduction of structured programs to support ethical behaviour in companies, size notwithstanding. These programs should be more than a mere encouragement to be honest, and should be based on clearly articulated values that are linked to the overall vision and mission of the company. The Manual of Business Ethics for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises prepared by the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) and the US Department of Commerce describes the following benefits among others: Enhanced Reputation and Goodwill: A reputation for integrity is important for securing the loyalty of customers, for recruiting and training the best staff, for winning community acceptance and accessing bank and supplier credit. Risk reduction: The process of developing a business ethics program involves the company in identifying and assessing the factors that could pose risks to reputation and financial performance, and developing and implementing the business processes that reduce those risks. Reduced costs: Providing employees with clear guidelines of how to conduct day to day business such as where and when to obtain quotations; how to carry out tenders; how to conclude contracts and how to avoid conflicts of interest can reduce transaction costs and improve the supply chain function. Protection from Unethical Employees: A program would include clear guidance in respect of the misappropriation and unauthorised use of company resources, and the consequences that could flow from violations, information that employees with undeveloped values may not fully appreciate. Recommendations for efforts that build ethical cultures without increasing expenses are as follows: Improve communication practices. Ethics programs are usually well constructed, but poorly disseminated. Require middle managers to train their direct reports and keep the message alive with ethics meetings. Employees often dont know or recognize the CEO and merely tolerate E-learning, but they actually pay attention to their managers. Encourage government to recognize and reward the value of ethics and compliance programs. Focus on corporate culture. Perhaps more emphasis on culture will galvanize corporate intentions and resources toward long-term corporate health in addition to dealing with the emergency of the moment. Operating according to values, accentuating the positives, telling the stories, and removing the negatives would empower good employees and managers and boost productivity. People actually like to work when the culture is right. Ever hopeful, we expect corporate ethics to rebound with serious attention paid to aligning individuals within positive values-driven cultures. It wont happen until the recession fades and businesses start spending the cash theyve hoarded for the last several years to acquire the human and intellectual resources needed to make it happen.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Baroque Period And Opera

Baroque Period And Opera Early baroque composers favoured homophonic texture over the polyphonic texture typical of Renaissance music. They felt that words could be projected more clearly by using just one main melody with a chordal accompaniment. Homophonic textures only characterise early baroque, by the late baroque period, polyphonic texture returned to favour. To depict extreme emotions, early baroque composers used dissonance with a new freedom. Never before were unstable chords so prominent and emphatic. Contrasts of sound were stressed, one or more solo singers against a chorus, or voices against instruments. A baroque piece usually expresses one basic mood: what begins joyfully will remain joyful throughout. Emotional states like joy, grief, and agitation were represented-at the time, these moods were called affections. Specific rhythms or melodic patters were associated with specific moods. The prime exception to this baroque principle of unity of mood occurs in vocal music. Drastic changes of emotion in a text may inspire corresponding changes in the music. Rhythmic patterns head at the beginning of a piece are repeated throughout it. This rhythmic continuity provides a compelling drive and energy the forward motion is rarely interrupted. Baroque melody also creates a feeling of continuity. An opening melody will be heard again and again in the course of a baroque piece. And even when a melody is presented in varied form, its character tends to remain constant. There is a continuous expanding, unfolding, and unwinding of melody. This sense of directed motion is frequently the result of a melodic sequence, that is, successive repetition of a musical idea at higher or lower pitch levels. Many baroque melodies sound elaborate and ornamental, and they are not easy to sing or remember. A short opening phrase is often followed by a longer phrase with an unbroken flow of rapid notes. Volume tends to stay constant for a stretch of time. When the dynamics do shift, the shift is usually sudden, like physically stepping from one level to another. This alternation between loud and soft is called terraced dynamics. The organ and harpsichord were both well suited for continuity of dynamic level. Imitation between various lines, or voices, of the texture is very common. A melodic idea heard in one voice is likely to make an appearance in the other voices as well. In the baroque period chords became significant. As composers wrote a melodic line, they thought of chords to mesh with it. Indeed, sometimes they composed a melody to fit a specific chord progression. This interest in chords gave new prominence to the bass part. Basso continuo or figured bass is made up of a bass part together with numbers which specify the chords to be played above it. Usually the bass part is played by the left hand of an organist or harpsichordist and a cellist or bassoonist. The right hand, the keyboard player improvises chords or even a melodic line, following the indications of the numbers. Word painting was used. Heaven might be set to a high tone and hell to a low tone. Rising scales represented upward motion; descending scales depicted the reverse. Descending chromatic scales were associated with pain and grief. Composers emphasised words by writing many rapid notes for a single syllable of text. Opera is the fusion of music, acting, poetry, dance, scenery and costumes. Began in Italy around 1600. Voice types: Coloratura soprano very high range; can execute rapid scales and trills lyric soprano rather light voice; sings roles calling for grace and charm dramatic soprano full, powerful voice; is capable of passionate intensity lyric tenor relatively light, bright voice dramatic tenor powerful voice; is capable of heroic expression basso buffo takes comic roles; can sing very rapidly basso profondo very low range, powerful voice; takes roles calling for great dignity Aria A song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment. Its an outpouring of melody that expresses an emotional state. In an aria, I love you, might be sung ten times to accommodate the expansion of the idea. Often the action stops while the characters feelings are revealed through music. An aria usually lasts several minutes. It is a complete piece with a definite beginning, high point, and end. Recitative A vocal line that imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech. In a recitative, words are sung quickly and clearly, often on repeated tones. There is usually only one note to each syllable in a recitative. Recitative is used for monologues and dialogues that connect the more melodic sections of the opera. In opera multiple characters can express contrasting feelings at the same time when different melodies are combined. This is only possible in opera and cannot be duplicated in spoken drama. An opera chorus generates atmosphere and makes comments on the action. Their sound creates a kind of tonal background for the soloists. Most operas open with a purely orchestral composition called an overture or a prelude. Since the eighteenth century, the music for an overture has been drawn from material heard later in the opera. The overture is thus a short musical statement that involves the audience in the overall dramatic mood. Orchestral introductions to acts in the opera other than the first are always called preludes. Opera was born in Italy. During the late baroque, operas consisted largely of arias linked by recitatives. These recitatives were usually accompanied only by a basso continuo, in which case they are called secco recitatives. At emotional high points and moments of tension, however, they might be supported by the orchestra, they are then called accompanied recitatives. Late baroque arias followed the structure of ABA called da capa aria. Monteverdis Orfeo is considered to be the first great opera. Orfeo is about Orpheus, the gifted musician of Greek mythology. Orpheus, son of the god Apollo, is ecstatically happy after his marriage to Eurydice. But his joy is shattered when his bride is killed by a poisonous snake. Orpheus goes down to hades hoping to bring her back to life. Because of his musical talent, he is granted this privilege, as long as he does not look back at Eurydice while leading her out of hades. Orpheus looks back in a moment of anxiety and Eurydice vanishes. Apollo pities Orpheus and brings him up to heaven, where he can gaze eternally at Eurydices radiance. Orfeo includes recitatives, arias, duets, choruses, and instrumental interludes. Tu se morta in Act II of Orfeo is an example of a secco recitative. Orpheus sings solo in a recitative style with accompaniment by a basso continuo played by an organ and bass lute. The texture of this piece is homophonic, as was popular in early Baroque music. There is no time signature which gives the performer the freedom to portray emotion in their singing. Word painting is also found in this piece. Words such as stelle (stars) and solo (sun) are sung high in the performers register while abissi (abysses) and morte (death) are sung low. Roman opera was based more on religious subjects than on Greek mythology, and it made more use of the choruses. Distinction between recitative and aria began to emerge. The prototype of comic opera were intermezzi, comic interludes between the acts. The principal characteristics of Venetian opera were: more emphasis on formal arias, the beginning of bel canto style and more attention to vocal elegance than to dramatic expression, less use of chorus and orchestral music, complex and improbable plots, elaborate stage machinery, and short fanfare-like instrumental introductions. As compared to Italian opera, the outstanding traits of French opera were: use of ballet, greater importance of the drama, more use of the orchestra and instrumental music, shorter and simpler dance-like airs, careful attention to accentuation of the text, more expressive and melodic recitative, less emphasis on virtuosity, the French overture. In Baroque music, ritornello was the word for a recurring passage for orchestra in the first or final movement of a solo concerto or aria (also in works for chorus). In ritornello form, the tutti opens with a theme called the ritornello (refrain). This theme, always played by the tutti, returns in different keys throughout the movement. However, it usually returns in incomplete fragments In the Prologue of Orfeo there is a recitation by La Musica, there are five verses, each introduced by a ritornello. The same ritornello appears at the end of Act II and at the beginning of Act V. La serva padrona was originally an intermezzo to Pergolesis opera seria Il prigioniero superbo (The Proud Prisoner). The two were premiered on 5 September 1733, the first performance after an earthquake in Naples had caused all theatres to be closed, and celebrated the birthday of the Empress of Habsburg. Il prigioniero was unsuccessful in its day[1] and is not a recognized title in todayà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s operatic repertoire. Eventually the two pieces were separated, and La serva padrona went on to enjoy fame throughout Europe for years after its premiere. The importance of this intermezzo can hardly be overlooked in the history of opera. With a new finale, the French version played a large part in the Querelle des Bouffons. It was appealing because of its presentation of characters that were relatable to any audience, namely the cunning maid and her aging master. La serva padrona is often seen as the quintessential piece that bridges the gap from the Baroque to the Classical period. Owing to its importance, over time it came to be known as more than just an intermezzo and was performed as a stand-alone work. Intermezzo I Dressing room. Uberto, an elderly bachelor, is angry and impatient with his maidservant, Serpina, because she has not brought him his chocolate today. Serpina has become so arrogant that she thinks she is the mistress of the household. Indeed, when Uberto calls for his hat, wig and coat, Serpina forbids him from leaving the house, adding that from then on he will have to obey her orders. Uberto thereupon orders Vespone to find him a woman to marry so that he can rid himself of Serpina. Intermezzo II Same dressing room. Serpina convinces Vespone to trick Uberto into marrying her. She informs Uberto that she is to marry a military man named Tempesta. She will be leaving his home and apologizes for her behavior. Vespone, disguised as Tempesta, arrives and, without saying a word, demands 4,000 crowns for a dowry. Uberto refuses to pay such a sum. Tempesta threatens him to either pay the dowry or marry the girl himself. Uberto agrees to marry Serpina. Serpina and Vespone reveal their trick; but Uberto realizes that he has loved the girl all along. They will marry after all; and Serpina will now be the true mistress of the household. The piece is for bass, soprano, and a mute actor. Opera is the fusion of music, acting, poetry, dance, scenery and costumes. At the end of the sixteenth century a small group of aristocratic intelligentsia, known as the Camerata, met frequently in Florence. The Camerata had the intention of reproducing the combination of words and music which made up Greek theatre. The text was the main focus of this music with all the words being sung naturally, in the same manner as normal speech, and the music must interpret the spirit of the text. This resulted in a new style of music which was mostly homophonic, in contrast to polyphonic music that was popular at the time. The first surviving opera, Peris Euridice in 1600, was a flop, Monteverdis Orfeo seven years later, however, was not. Orfeo managed to fulfil the requirements posed by the Camerata and while also being dramatic and portraying extreme emotion. Over the baroque period opera evolved and developed into different types and varied in different areas. Orfeo was characteristic of a Florentine opera and an opera seria. All forms of opera shared similar musical components such as: solo song, in opera called aria; pieces for two or more solo voices, duet, trio etc; recitative, a singing style that replicated the rhythms and pitch fluctuation of speech; chorus; the orchestra; and the overture, the instrumental introduction to an opera. The various cities of Italy each had variants on the opera. Florentine opera, such as Orfeo, was based off Greek mythology. While Roman opera was based on religious subjects and made more use of choruses. Venetian opera had an emphasis on formal arias, less use of chorus and orchestral music, complex and improbably plots and short fanfare-like introductions. Choruses were nearly non-existent in Neopolitan opera and there was a new style of operatic song, arioso, which was a mix between recitative and aria. Castrati were popular and drew great interest from audiences. Opera spread to France and included the use of ballet, more extreme drama, more use of the orchestra and instrumental music, more expressive and melodic recitative and less emphasis on virtuosity. Towards the end of the Baroque period a new style of opera appeared known as opera buffa. These comic operas originated as intermezzi between the acts of opera serias. Opera buffa differed from opera seria due to its light and humorous subjects, commonplace characters rather than heroic figures, popular tunes replaced the dramatic and formal aria; and characters, subjects and melodies of opera serias were parodied. Pergolesis opera buffa La serva padrona was an intermezzo to Pergolesis opera seria Il prigioniero superbo. Monteverdis Orfeo and Pergolesis La serva padrona show the development and similarities between early baroque and late baroque opera. Whilst the pieces are of differing style and were written over 100 years apart many characteristics of baroque music and opera appear in both. The plots of Orfeo and La serva padrona differ greatly as one is a opera seria and the other an opera buffa. Orfeo tells the tale of Orpheus, the gifted musician of Greek mythology. Orpheus, son of the god Apollo, has just married Eurydice but his joy is soon crushed after she is killed by a poisonous snake. Orpheus goes down to hades hoping to bring her back to life and further drama and tragedy ensues. La serva padrona features the old bachelor Uberto and his maidservant Serpina. Uberto and Serpina are contantly fighting but Serpina manages to trick Uberto into marrying her and becomes the homes mistress. Verspone, a servant of Ubertos, is a mute character but is important to the plot. The opera is light hearted and made up of common people. Over the baroque period the plots of operas changed dramatically in style as can be seen in Orfeo and La serva padrona. All operas were mostly homophonic, this way words could be projected more clearly with only one main melodic line. Both Orfeo and La serva padrona are mostly homophonic. In fact, whilst polyphony came back into fashion as the baroque period progressed, La serva padrona is less adventurous in terms of harmony in comparison to Orfeo. Orfeo makes use of polyphony in choruses, duets and trios. This can be seen in Act I: lo non diro qual sia nel tuo gioir with Euridice, Chorus, Nymph and the Sheperds singing two different melodies in a round-style which eventually join together in a homophonic ending. Excerpt from Orfeo Act I: lo non diro qual sia nel tuo gioir La serva padrona is rather simple, only written for a string quartet and a soprano and bass. The second violins generally double the first violins and the viola generally doubles the bass part one octave higher. The instrumentation of Orfeo is more expansive than that of La serva padrona. Orfeo utilises: 2 clavicembalos, 1 double harp, 2 chitarrones, 2 bass cithers, 3 bass gambas, 2 organs with wood pipes, 1 organ with reed pipes, 2 small violins, 4 violins, 4 violas, 2 violoncellos, 2 contrabass viols, 4 trombones, 2 cornetts, 1 fautino, 1 high trumpet, 3 soft trumpets. Orfeo makes use of this range of instruments through its varying pieces. Orfeo has arias, recitatives, choruses, dances, sinfonias and duets. La serva padrona on the other hand is made up of only arias and recitatives and a duet to end each act. The range of instruments in Orfeo also results in contrast of dynamics between pieces. The use of more and less instruments changes the volume from loud to soft, suddenly, rather than gradually. This is known as terraced dynamics and is characteristic of the baroque period. La serva padrona remains a similar dynamic for most of the opera. Dynamics are altered through the doubling of string parts and the removal of string parts. Two different types of recitative were used in baroque opera. The first being secco recitatives, which were usually accompanied by only a basso continuo. The second being accompanied recitatives which were accompanied by the orchestra. Tu se morta in Act II of Orfeo is an example of a secco recitative. Per altro io penserei in Act II of La serva padrona is an example of an accompanied recitative. This style of recitative is used for an emotional high point in the opera. Arias are also found in both pieces. La serva padrona being a piece of the late baroque period, the arias follow the structure of ABA known as de capa aria. Excerpt from La serva padrona Act II: Per altro io penserei The ascending violin patterns in the excerpt above are an example of the musics use in supporting the text. The fast, ascending, scalic pattern is representative of the excitement and confusion in this piece of the opera. This is a technique known as word painting. Words may be set to higher and lower tones according to the emotion or type of word. This is seen in Te se morta in Act II of Orfeo in which the words stelle (stars) and solo (sun) are sung high in the performers register while abissi (abysses) and morte (death) are sung low. Word painting was used throughout the whole baroque period in opera. Excerpt from Orfeo Act II: Te se morta Beyond the standard soprano, alto, tenor, bass, there were different types of opera voices. These included: coloratura soprano, lyrics soprano, soprano castrato, dramatic soprano, lyric tenor, dramatic tenor, basso buffo, basso profondo. Orfeo makes use of a variety of voice types. Orfeo is performed by a dramatic tenor, due to their powerful voices, while Eurydice and La Musica were performed by soprano castrato. In La serva padrona Uberto is performed by a basso buffo as they could sing very fast and were perfect for comic roles. Serpina is performed by a coloratura soprano which is evident due to her rapid scales and trills and high range. The contrast in voice types in the two operas is due to their different style with one being an opera seria and the other an opera buffa. Reoccurring passages for the orchestra in baroque music are called ritornellos. Ritornellos are found throughout Orfeo. The ritornello is introduced in Act I and it appears at the end of Act II and at the beginning of Act V. Excerpt from Orfeo Act I: Prologo Ritornellos do not appear in La serva padrona as there is only a string quartet and voices. Imitation however does appear. The imitation of various voices of texture was common of the baroque period. Melodic ideas that are shown in one voice appear in other voices as well. Excerpt from La serva padrona Act I: Sempre in contrasti Due to the increased use of homophony in the baroque period chords became much more significant than they were in the past. Basso continuo or figured bass is a bass part that is used together with numbers which specify the chords to be played above it. Usually the bass part is played by the left hand of an organist or harpsichordist and a cellist or bassoonist. In Orfeo the basso continuo is played by many instruments but mainly by organs. In La serva padrona the basso continuo is played by the cello or double bass and is doubled by the viola an octave higher. Basso continuo is a primary characteristic of the baroque period and lasted over all 150 years. Monteverdis Orfeo and Pergolesis La serva padrona both share many characteristics that are common of the baroque period. They also have a few significant differences that are due to the differing style of opera. French and German operas would offer further contrasts to these two Italian operas. On first glance it appears that Orfeo is more evolved and later opera than La serva padroma, this, however, is not true. While Orfeo does offer more instruments and a greater contrast of pieces La serva padroma takes a small part of the first operas and expands on them so that it stands as a genre of opera on its own. The evolution of opera through the baroque period wasnt through the invention of new techniques or massive stylistic changes but rather through refinement of the original techniques and slight tweaks to the musical and lyrics content.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Varieties of Capitalism Essay -- Economics

Introduction Due to the rapid process of globalization, the issue of whether socio-economic institutions and policies are converging or diverging across different nations has become controversial. Various literatures on comparative institutional studies has been developed, in which the Varieties of Capitalism approach by Hall and Soskice (2001) is one of the most significant concepts that is being widely discussed. According to Hall and Thelen (2005), the ‘varieties of capitalism’ is a firm-centered approach where firm is placed as a key actor and is being considered relational. It emphasizes the concept of institutional complementarities, which ‘†¦one set of institutions is complementary to another when its presence raises the returns available from the other’ (Hall and Gingerich, 2004, p.6). Also, the development of relationships between firms and other five domains – industrial relations, vocational training and education, corporate governance, inter-firm relations as well as employees, is essential to ensure coordination to maintain competencies (Hall and Soskice, 2001). According to Knell and Srholec (2005), the varieties of capitalism literature has mainly distinguished and identified two types of coordination - Liberal Market Economies (LMEs) and Coordinated Market Economies (CMEs), in which competitive markets are dominant in LMES while CMEs are mainly based on strategic interaction. Using the UK as an example of LME and Germany as an example of CME, this essay will consider the ‘varieties of capitalism’ (VoC) implications for financial structures as well as labour relations of the respective economies. The definition of institutional complementarities will be outlined in the first paragraph, while the implications w... ...s: Coordinated and Uncoordinated Market Economies in the 1980s and 1990s’ In Kitschelt H, Lange P, Marks G, and Stephens J (eds) Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism New York, Cambridge University Press Sternberg, R. and Kiese, M. and Stockinger, D. (2008) ‘Cluster policies in the US and Germany: varieties of capitalism perspective on two high-tech states’ Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2010, 28, pp.1063-1082 Streeck, W. (1992) Social Institutions and Economic Performance, Beverly Hills, Sage Publication Thelen, K. (2001) ‘Varieties of Labour Politics in the Developed Democracies’, in Hall, Peter A.; Soskice, David (eds.) Varieties of Capitalism: the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, pp. 71–103. New York: Oxford University Press Witt, M. A. (2010) ‘China: What Variety of Capitalism?’ working paper, INSEAD

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Analysis of Donne’s A Valediction: of Weeping Essay -- Valediction

An Analysis of Donne’s A Valediction: of Weeping    William Empson begins his critical essay on John Donne's "A Valediction: of Weeping" with the statement below.   Empson here plays the provocateur for the critic who wishes to disagree with the notion that Donne's intentions were perhaps less than the sincere valediction of a weeping man.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, "A Valediction" concerns a parting; Donne is going to sea and is leaving his nameless, loved other in England, and the "Valediction" is his emotive poesy describing the moment. "...the language of [A Valediction: of Weeping] is shot through with a suspicion which for once he is too delicate or too preoccupied to state unambiguously, that when he is gone she will be unfaithful to him.   Those critics who say the poem is sincere, by the way... know not what they do."  Ã‚   --- William Empson, "A Valediction: of Weeping," John Donne: a Collection of Critical Essays (ed. H. Gardner)   Ã‚  Ã‚   There is little argument as to what Donne is feeling at surface level: he is sorrowful and grieving because he must be apart from his loved one, who has become his world (a metaphor which is carried out in the second stanza).   Empson is indeed correct when he says that the poem is not unambiguous.   There is a large range of interpretations that can be made based upon the language in the poem, and these are focused around the source of Donne's grief.   Ã‚  Ã‚   It is easy for one to picture a grieving sailor leaving his lover, but what makes this man grieve?   It is the innate love between two people who are intensely focused upon each other which must be put on hold?   Is it some additive emotion that consists of two people who are about to suffer separation and loss of a lover?   Or is it, as Empson p... ..., Donne and his lover/other struggle with their sadness just before separation.   Donne realizes that this may be a futile goal, but he also sees the importance of composure if their relationship - his "world" - that he credits to her is going succeed.   Donne seems to have no dearth of sincerity in this poem.   He is also purposeful in writing it; Donne himself was a man of great passion, and who had to go out to sea.   "A Valediction: of Weeping" seems not to be the valediction of a jealous lover, but of a conscientious other making a concerted effort not to let jealousy and self-pity control his farewell to a lover. Works Cited: Donne, John. "A Valediction: Of Weeping". The Longman Anthology of British Literature: Volume 1A. 2nd ed. Ed. Damrosch, David, Christopher Baswell and Anne Howland Schotter. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc, 2003.

History Of Soccer :: essays research papers

Soccer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soccer is a great sport that has influenced nations. Millions gather to watch skilled athletes compete in a game of soccer. It is an international sport, so popular that physical education programs have soccer integrated into their plans. Many local communities also have soccer organizations for youths. Soccer has an interesting history going back as far as ancient Rome and Greece. Some other interesting topics that deal with soccer are my personal feelings about the sport and my opinions on the future of soccer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There in not much to be told about the origin of soccer. In ancient Rome and Greece, football and kicking games were played. In 1863, the London Football Association developed the first set of rules. Towards the end of the 19th century, soccer was brought to the United States. But people didn?t start to take a liking to the sport until WWI. In 1908, soccer was made an official Olympic sport. Since then, soccer?s popularity has spread like fire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To me, soccer is an outstanding sport. I love the strategic planning that occurs in the game of soccer. To play soccer, you need to be quick and agile, and your footwork must be meticulous. I like soccer because it comes natural to me. There?s nothing like waking up early on Saturdays and playing a competitive game. When I score goals, which I do often, I get the best feeling. I am contributing to my team winning. That?s why I like soccer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the future, I believe soccer will stay the weekend sport. I doubt that it will ever become as popular as basketball i.e.. NBA. It is increasing in popularity in the United Sports though. But you see, that?s in the United States. I visited Mexico last summer for a month and observed that soccer was the main sport. People would play pick-up games of soccer on basketball courts, as parks and grass space were limited. I say this only to show that soccer?s waning popularity in the US is minuscule compared to the popularity in other countries. So we never know, more people in the future may tune their TV sets to the

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dmitri Mendeleev Essay

I have chosen to write about Dmitri Mendeleev. What was Dmitri Mendeleev know for? Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who developed the periodic classification of the elements. In his version of the periodic table, Mendeleev left gaps in places where he believed unknown elements would fit in and he predicted the likely properties of three of the potential elements. The proof of many of his predictions within his lifetime brought fame to Mendeleev as the founder of the periodic law. So who was Dmitri Mendeleev? Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834 in the village of Verkhnie Aremzyani, near Tobolsk in Siberia. Mendeleev is thought to be the youngest of 17 siblings. His father was a teacher of politics, philosophy, and fine arts. Unfortunately for the family’s well being, his father became blind and lost his teaching position. His mother was forced to work and she restarted her family’s abandoned glass factory. At the age of 13, after the passing of his father and the destruction of his mother’s factory by fire, Mendeleev attended the Gymnasium in Tobolsk. In 1849, the Mendeleev family relocated to Saint Petersburg, where Mendeleev entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in 1850. Sometime after Mendeleev graduated, he contracted tuberculosis, causing him to move to the Crimean Peninsula on the northern coast by the Black Sea in 1855. While he was there he became a science master of the Simferopol gymnasium. Later he returned with fully restored health to Saint Petersburg in 1857. Between 1859 and 1861, he worked on the capillarity of liquids and the workings of the spectroscope in Heidelberg. In late August 1861 he wrote his first book on the spectroscope. In April of 1862 Mendeleev became engaged to Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva, and they married on 27 April 1862 at Nikolaev Engineering Institute’s church in Saint Petersburg. Mendeleev became a professor at the Saint Petersburg Technological Institute and Saint Petersburg State University in 1864 and 1865. After becoming a teacher, Mendeleev wrote the textbook, Principles of Chemistry. As he attempted to classify the elements according to their chemical properties, he too noticed patterns that led him to postulate his periodic table. Mendeleev was also unaware of the earlier work on periodic tables going on. In 1863 there were 56 known elements with a new element being discovered at a rate of approximately one per year. Mendeleev made the following table, and by adding additional elements following this pattern, developed his extended version of the periodic table. In 1865 he became Doctor of Science for his dissertation on the combinations of water with alcohol. He achieved tenure in 1867, and a few years later by 1871 Mendeleev had transformed Saint Petersburg into an internationally recognized center for chemistry research. Later on in 1876, Mendeleev had become obsessed with Anna Ivanova Popova and began obsessed with her. In 1881 he proposed to her and threatened suicide if she refused to marry him. His divorce from Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva was finalized one month after he had married Anna in early 1882. Even after the divorce, Mendeleev was technically a bigamist. His divorce and the surrounding controversy contributed to his failure to be admitted to the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mendeleev was widely honored by scientific organizations all over Europe, including the Copley Medal from the Royal Society of London; he resigned from Saint Petersburg University in August of 1890. In 1893, he was appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. It was in this role that he was directed to formulate new state standards for the production of vodka. As a result of his work, new standards for vodka were introduced into Russian law and all vodka had to be produced at 40% alcohol by volume. Mendeleev also investigated the composition of petroleum, and helped to found the first oil refinery in Russia. In 1907, Mendeleev died at the age of 72 in Saint Petersburg from influenza. The crater Mendeleev on the Moon, as well as element number 101, the radioactive mendelevium, are named after him. Referances: E.Babaev. February 20, 2012. Reflection, I decided to write about Dmitri Mendeleev because I thought he sounded the most interesting. I also wanted to learn more about him and his life. Chemistry is very entertaining to me and Mendeleev basically wrote the periodic table.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Best Locations to Buy CBD Oil Near Me

Ever wondered how you can get your hands on a CBD oil near you? Then you have just stumbled across the right place. The sales of CBD oil have been on an upward trend since 2017, and forecasts indicate they will only get better. Restrictions put in place by State and Federal laws have created lots of misperceptions on who can purchase the CBD oils. So how does one go about it?Intending to Buy the CBD Oil near me?First, start by understanding the laws. Currently, only 9 states across the country allow for the use of marijuana on recreational grounds, Washington, D.C can be included. Not everyone has the opportunity to walk right into a dispensary and make an order for fine CBD oil, this privilege is determined by where you reside. Despite the acceptance of legal recreational weed, some of the 9 states require special medical marijuana cards or a medical prescription from a physician. If you are in a state that requires so, it's quite simple to obtain an online recommendation in a matte r of minutes. As of 2018, 29 of the 50 states within the union permit the use of medical weed in one way or the other. Cannabis CBD oil used for special treatment fall right within that category given it's an affiliate product. Now, where does the complication arise? When it comes to qualifying for a medical card, that's easy. The downside is having to go through a long and tiresome bureaucratic process with the state Health Board. All the best on that! Even after going through the entire charade, the most stringent medical states have few authorized dispensaries open. They are located in areas that are totally inaccessible. Our CBD oil is derived from Hemp, which is why it is legal in all 50 states. This article is the perfect guide for those anyone searching â€Å"Where to but CBD oil near me†.History of Hemp CBD oilCultivation of the first hemp plants began over 10,000 years ago. The first sighting was made in an ancient Taiwanese village. Distinguished as one of the first plants cultivated by man, hemp and cannabis are widely regarded as the foundation of Chinese medicine. As it thrived into mainland China, it gradually spread into India, Europe, and Arabia over the next millennia. Hemp found its way into America during the colonial times by explorers and was mainly used as medicines, fabrics, and textiles. Accidentally discovered from the hemp plant in 1940, CBD emerged as a powerful substance that can alter our percepti on of human health and disease.What is CBD?According to the latest research, cannabidiol extracts derived from cannabis plants can be used as oil. Mainly rich in Cannabinoids, they are bound to receptors within the brain. Another widely known cannabinoid is the tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as THC. It was in 1960 when scientists were able to isolate the THC compound from cannabis. CBD is a structural isomer of THC that accounts for 80 percent of the plant extract. They both share the same chemical composition except for the atom arrangement which differs slightly. There is a unique ring in the stricture that opens and closes. When it opens its CBD when closed its THC. The CBD compound has existed much longer than THC but its true value has manifested in the past few decades. We have only begun to understand how it modulates the effects of THC and acts as a unique compound in itself. Within CBD are pain relieving properties, anti-seizure properties, anti-cancer properties, and blocks out the worst effects of THC. All this argument has been backed by research and testing where examinations are done out in the field among marijuana uses. Those with CBD registered less adverse effects from their marijuana usage. The research has also been corroborated in animal studies among other groups. We are seeing some cancer research groups champion for the use of CBD in cancer chemotherapy. Others have argues for its use in offsetting diabetic neuropathy that is the leading cause of blindness nationwide.Is there a Difference between Hemp and Cannabis CBD Oil?CBD oil has become the preferred term when talking about the different oils derived from the hemp plant. In the real sense though, they are quite different. Some Cannabis CBD oil varieties may have high concentrations of THC – just under 10 percent. In other cases, the concentration in CBD oil is less than 2 percent. Industrial hemp has even lower concentrations – under 0.3 percent. Cannabis Oil: Primarily derived from marijuana, cannabis oil has a high percentage of THC. In that regard, it can only be bought in a place where marijuana is legalized. Another alternative would be through prescription. The level of compound (CBD or THC) will vary in different products. Commercially produced cannabis oils tend to contain more standard CBD and THC concentrations. Hemp seed oils: Industrial hemp seeds get cold-pressed to create nutty oils. Such products contain few traces of cannabinoids, one of which is CBD. In addition, within the hemp seed oils are vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. This makes them suitable for cooking, creating biofuels or skin care products.Does CBD oil result in a high?From a user point of view, CBD simply tastes as an essential oil. To be more precise, the taste can be likened to that of a flower. Cannabinoid does not give you the buzzing high feel synonymous with smoking marijuana. Considerations Actually, it is common knowledge that the hemp-based oil creates no psychoactive responsiveness whatsoever. Contrary to misconception, it will not cure cancer or any other disease. It will, however, help when treating mild conditions like arthritis, pain or anxiety. It's best to consume to receive a prescribed dosage from a medical practitioner. Just as with most remedies in life, the positive effects start to kick in a week or so.